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Ticks In The Fall

Posted by Animal Care Team on
The autumn chill brings in parts of the country and with it some pretty great things. And at the barn, hope of an end to the fly season. For most of us, when we see less flies buzzing our horses, we send up a cheer, then pack away the sprays, masks and sheets for next season. However did you know ticks can live through a snowy winter? Read on for more information about ticks in the wintertime. 

Protect Your Horse from Gnats with UltraShield Green

Posted by Animal Care Team on
Gnats can be a pesky problem for many horse owners – and the tiny bugs have a way of being extra irritating to horses. It’s understandable that as a horse owner, you would be looking for ways to protect your horse from gnats. Read how to protect your horse on the Absorbine Blog!

Protect Your Livestock from Insect-Borne Disease with Flys-X®

Posted by Animal Care Team on

Many small farms raise cattle and other livestock. These “hobby” or “lifestyle” farms are growing across the US. Insect-borne disease in livestock is a serious problem for farmers, as cattle are susceptible to a wide variety of insect-borne diseases, many of which are fatal – and all of which are inconvenient to both cattle and farmer. For cattle owners, there are a handful of diseases and their transmitters to look out for in your herd.

Using Premise Sprays to Protect Your Horse

Posted by Animal Care Team on
We all know that fly repellents and sprays are a great way to protect your horse during turn-out, training, and trail rides—but did you know that using premise sprays inside your barn or stable is an additional way to keep your horse protected? UltraShield offers two versatile options-

Beat the Heat - Ways To Cool Your Horse

Posted by Lissa Mele on
It’s been a hot one down at the barn and Quarter Horses JoJo and Ellie appreciate the little efforts I put in to keeping them cool and comfortable. Here are a few things that you can do to cool your horse off: