Woman in cowboy hat riding a horse in a field on the Absorbine Blog

Absorbine Team Spotlight - Audra Mulligan

You love your horse, and we love that! The Absorbine Spotlight series is where we share an equestrian's connection with horses with the rest of us! 

This time, we're featuring one of our own - Audra Mulligan. Audra is our Director of Regulatory and Development here at Absorbine. She helps us live up to our promise of being The Horse World's Most Trusted name, both here in the USA and around the world! Here's a little bit about Audra and her horse!

Woman sitting on a horse in a field - Absorbine blog

Absorbine: What do you do with your horse?

Audra:  I trail ride and compete in barrel races and funs speed shows. Also, I spend a ton of time feeding, picking out Cherokee’s hooves, and cleaning up his messes!

Absorbine: What Absorbine products do you like, and why did you start using them?

Audra: I really like the UltraShield fly sprays! I started using UltraShield because I needed a fly spray that would actually keep the flies away when my farrier came. I have been using UltraShield ever since I learned that it works better than most all other sprays.

Absorbine: Any fun horse care tips you’d like to share? Can include product tricks or “out of the box” uses.

Audra: I was told at a young age that gently blowing into a horse’s nose is a great way to tell them “hello” because it mimics how horses say “hi” to each other. Every time I greet my horses, I blow into their nose to say hello. This has strengthened our bond and helped with training. It helps with training because when I go into the pasture to put down the feed pan, I blow into his nose and he shows me respect and resists the urge to push past me to get to his beloved grain.  

Absorbine: What’s the funniest thing non-horse people ask you about horses?

Audra: When they see my horse laying down and ask me if my horse is sick or dead!

Absorbine: What do you love most about your horse?

Audra: I love that Cherokee and I completely understand each other. I purchased Cherokee as a three-year-old and trained him myself. He is now 26 and since I have spent his entire life training him, we trust each other on a very high level. 

Absorbine: Thanks for sharing your life with Cherokee with us Audra!

Woman on a horse walking in a field - Absorbine Blog

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