Hooflex Healthy Hooves

Update : Hooflex Healthy Hooves

Many have entered, five have won. One will win even more.

We received great entries for this contest. The entry pictures were so moving, it was very difficult to choose! But we’ve chosen five and they now receive their choice of any two Hooflex® products we make.

Hooflex® Therapeutic Liquid Conditioner

Hooflex® Therapeutic Conditioner Ointment

Hooflex® Thrush Remedy

Hooflex® All Natural Dressing and Conditioner

Hooflex+® Pelleted Hoof Supplement

Hooflex® Magic Cushion™ Hoof Packing (new addition!)

They will use the Hooflex® hoof care solutions for six weeks, then we will choose a most improved hoof/best picture to win a $500 Absorbine® prize pack, all the while treating problem hooves.

Here are the semifinalists:

Rebecca & Jazzy

“These hooves that are prone to cracking due to a persistent white line disease belong to Jazzy, a 9 year old paint pony mare.”

Hooflex Healthy Hooves

Laura & Autumn

“As you can see by the hoof, they are soft and crumbly.”

Hooflex Healthy Hooves


Rosanne & Tuffy Tenderfoot

Her name sorta says it all!

Hooflex Healthy Hooves


Michele & Penny

“As you can see, my Haflinger has had several bouts of laminitis. My farrier will be out today to fix that crack.”

Hooflex Healthy Hooves


Julie & Byrd

“Byrd suffers from cracking, breakage, thrush and abscess issues.”

Hooflex Healthy Hooves


With the amount of work these owners are putting into improving these feet and extra help from Hooflex® Hoof Care, we should see some great results!!! Now where’s my hoof pick…

Team Absorbine


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