Why You Should Look For The NASC Seal
You’ve seen it around. That oval seal placed on some labels and on webpages. But what does it mean? Here is an explanation of why you should look for the NASC seal on your animal health supplements.
The National Animal Health Council seal means that the manufacturer has gone the extra length to meet the standards set by this independent body. They’ve made sure their facility and processes meet the standards of the National American Supplement Council. The NASC are a group dedicated to protecting and enhancing the health of companion animals and horses throughout the United States. Having an NASC seal on a product means that the company making it has been audited by those dedicated to the highest current standards of quality today.
So is it that important? Should you choose a product with the NASC seal over one without it? Simply put, with no NASC seal, the manufacturer has not passed a rigorous NASC audit of their facilities which is required to carry an NASC seal. These days, with the amount of pet product recalls you can’t really afford to take chances with your beloved horse or companion animal. Here at W.F. Young, Inc., makers of Absorbine®, we gladly continue to take the necessary steps to maintain the NASC seal of approval. It’s important to us because it says to the world that W.F. Young, Inc. aims high when bringing our products to market.
Look for the NASC seal and you will have the assurance that the product has been fully audited for quality. Some of our NASC formulas include: