Team Member And Equine Competitor Deborah - Absorbine

Team Member And Equine Competitor Deborah

Absorbine is active in the horse world, from those of us in the office to those out in the field calling on tack shops. Deborah is one of our Team Absorbine sales representatives (in the field) and loves Paints. Here are some pictures of her and her family, including her horses. Thanks for being part of our WFY team, Deborah!


“We have been into Paints since 2005 We have been showing horses since 1994. We have had Thoroughbreds, Quarter Horses and Paints. Currently we have 1 Tobiano and 3 breeding stock paints.”

“Last year my youngest daughter showed at the Youth World Paint Show placing 3rd. My oldest daughter showed at the Quarter Horse Congress receiving a top 10 and showing at the World Championship show receiving top 5. I showed my horse last year in the Wisconsin Paint Horse Open Show Program receiving grand champion. And also Grand champion in the Wisconsin Quarter Horse Assoc. My youngest daughter received reserve champion in Wisconsin Paint Horse Open Shows. Currently my filly holds 4th in the nation for PAC for Paints, she was top 20 honor roll as well.” -Deborah, Sales representative for W.F. Young, Inc. makers of Absorbine Horse Care Products. 

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