Ranger The Senior Mustang & Bute-Less

Ranger The Senior Mustang

We received this wonderful success story about Ranger the mustang from his rescuer Susan Kauffmann. We’re so happy that Bute-Less helped make this special horse’s life a little more comfortable. We’re also happy people like Susan and others have infinite love for horses and grant the needy with new leases on life!

Dear Absorbine,

My name is Susan Kauffmann, and I am an equestrian journalist and educator specializing in health-related topics. I also recently became the adoptive “parent” of a wild mustang stallion named Ranger, estimated to be 25-30 years old, who was found starving to death on the range because his teeth were too worn down for him to chew forage.

Once he was put on a diet he could actually ingest and digest, he bounced back quite quickly and soon became a happy, perky boy.

However, Ranger was clearly dealing with some issues and displayed discomfort in his hind end — his most noticeable symptoms were that he moved slowly and tended to drag his hind toes so much that they were extremely dubbed. Not wanting to put him on anything that could cause negative side effects, I started searching for a naturally sourced alternative to help him be more comfortable.

Someone recommended that I look into Bute-Less, which they had found to be helpful for their aged, arthritic horse. After doing some research on the product, I decided to give it a try. While it took some weeks to start noticing a difference, I kept with it, and I’m so glad I did. Ranger is now moving much better, with very little toe dragging and much more spring and speed in his step. And, if something scares him, he can do a spin and dash that puts most cutting horses to shame — truly amazing! I just wanted to say thank you, Absorbine, for making this product, which has given our little old trooper a new lease on life.

If anyone would like to read more about Ranger and see photos of his progress, please check out his Facebook page: Facebook.com/RescuingRanger