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Absorbine® Veterinary Liniment


A horse care essential, Absorbine® Veterinary Liniment was formulated to soothe the muscles and joints of working horses in 1892. Today, as the world’s best-selling horse liniment, it continues to offer the same soothing blend of natural herbs and essential oils. Our trusted liniment provides powerful pain relief for sore muscles, ligaments, tendons, and stiff joints. A true "medicine chest in a bottle", this time-tested formula also treats common fungal and bacterial conditions of the skin and hoof. 16oz Bottle.

  • Fast relief of temporary muscular and joint soreness, swelling, and stiffness
  • Soothes the pain and swelling of tissues due to arthritis
  • Disinfects and treats skin conditions like rain rot, scratches, and summer itch
  • Disinfects and treats hoof infections including thrush and white line disease

Directions For Use: Legs & Joints: For fast relief of temporary muscular and joint soreness, swelling and stiffness, apply to sore areas by rubbing liquid into skin. May be applied two or more times a day. Arthritis: Deep penetrating heat soothes the pain and swelling of tissues due to arthritis. Rub on stiff joints before and after turn out to increase pain relief. Muscle Soreness: Apply to affected areas and cover with a blanket. Body Wash: Mix into a cooling body wash to refresh a tired horse while the astringents wash away sweat and dirt. Recipe- mix 4 oz. of Absorbine and 8 oz. vinegar with 24 oz. of water. Use mixture to sponge over the horse. Hoof Disinfectant: The formula penetrates into the porous hoof sole and frog to disinfect. Apply once a week to help prevent bacterial and fungal infections. Use daily to treat common hoof conditions such as abscesses, cracks, delamination, Thrush and White Line Disease. Skin Infection: Kills germs on contact and stops the itch in seconds. Use to clean and treat bacterial skin conditions such as Rain Rot, Scratches, Summer Itch and Tail Itch. Apply to infected area three times a week.
menthol, chloroxylenol, iodine, absinthium oil, acetone, blue 1, plant extracts of calendula, echinacea and wormwood, potassium iodide, thymol, water, yellow 5

Customer Reviews

Based on 53 reviews

Absorbine® Veterinary Liniment

Merry Block
It's different

Smells exactly the same as I remember but not as effective.

Hi Merry, we get this comment often. We have not changed the formula. The reason your last bottle seemed stronger is likely that it was fairly old. As it sits around for a long time, the base slowly evaporates. This concentrates the active ingredients like menthol, making it stronger.

Pam Valentine
Cooling linament

Great product. The ache seems to subside and joints feel better after use. Good for muscle injuries. Soothing.

Bob Bowman
not what i remember

had a work related injury years ago and was given a bottle of the veterinary liniment for the body ache. it was phenomenal, when i saw it was commercially available through Amazon i was quick to buy two bottles. the warming level/medicinal value of the newer product didn't have anywhere near the same effect. other than fragrance, i would be hard pressed to say it was a liniment. did the formulary change? Lot# 2B0322M MFG. 02012022

Hey Bob! We get this question often. We have not changed the formula or made it less powerful. What happens with old bottles that have been kept around for a long time is the liquid evaporates away slowly and this makes the menthol more concentrated. So when you buy a new bottle, it feels less strong than your old evaporated bottle. We do make a Gel version of the product that has a higher level of menthol than the liquid version if you wanted a stronger formula. Thanks!

Joseph Grabowski

7th month and going with Excruciating Sciatica Pain from apparently riding my grass mower too vigorously!!
What a horrible way to be debilitated and lose everything you have built a lifetime only to be sidelined AND FORGET STANDING or WALKING for OVER A MINUTE!
And if it wasn't for my can just imagine the rest!
ABSORBINE is only for Horses! NOT!! This stuff is the ultimate in PAIN RELIEF for this retiree!
I cut it 50% Absorbine to 50% Water for my sensitive skin.
So don't be afraid to do something different, just be aware of what you are doing AND do your online homework as I HAD/HAVE TO DO!!
Joseph Grabowski