Horse Rescues Rock!
Posted by Animal Care Team on
You don’t have to be a horse person to admire a horse rescue operation. But if you are involved with horses you know just how vital they are. Horse ownership is pricey and 2011 America’s job shortage means many can no longer afford to own horses. If they can’t sell them or give them away, they end up being released into the wild or worse. Here in the Absorbine Blog, we celebrate the big hearted people who work at horse rescues.
Horse rescues take these horses in as guests, feed them and very often nurse them back to health. Their next task is to find a new home for them, hopefully their ‘forever home’ where they will live happily for the rest of their lives. All of this is done on a shoestring budget funded by donations and their own pockets. Horse rescues are the buffer zone for homeless horses and they are more vital than ever!
At Absorbine, we concern ourselves with the well being of the horse. It is the reason Absorbine Veterinary Liniment was invented in 1892.
-see The History Of Absorbine
At the end of 2010 we were able to send out a little product. 20 wonderful horse rescues received pallets like this one, hope you find somewhere to put it all!
This is a photo from Hunter Creek Rescue Ranch. They will be spreading this out to other rescues and horses in need in the area.
Absorbine salutes the hard working horse lovers of America’s horse rescues! Thanks for being there.
All donation requests must be submitted via the donation request form on our website. Submitted requests will be reviewed and decisions will be made on a quarterly basis. Due to the large volume of requests we receive, we will only contact those organizations who will receive a donation. If your organization is selected we will ship product to the physical address provided so please complete the form in its entirety. Thank you.
- Tags: History horse rescue