Salute To Chickens On National Bird Day
Posted by Animal Care Team onThere’s one bird species that might not be getting the credit they deserve on days like National Bird Day. It’s an animal which is gaining popularity with those of us who already keep horses and other animals - chickens!
Protect Your Livestock from Insect-Borne Disease with Flys-X®
Posted by Animal Care Team onMany small farms raise cattle and other livestock. These “hobby” or “lifestyle” farms are growing across the US. Insect-borne disease in livestock is a serious problem for farmers, as cattle are susceptible to a wide variety of insect-borne diseases, many of which are fatal – and all of which are inconvenient to both cattle and farmer. For cattle owners, there are a handful of diseases and their transmitters to look out for in your herd.
The Rise of Hobby Farms: Five Fast Facts
Posted by Animal Care Team onAt Absorbine®, we have been talking a lot lately about hobby farms. Hobby farms – also known as “lifestyle” or “retirement” farms, are on the rise in the U.S. Read on for some statistics and facts around this growing trend on the Absorbine Blog