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Scratches, rain rot and skin conditions, oh my!

Posted by Animal Care Team on

Knowing how to identify and treat a skin condition as soon as it arises dramatically reduces healing time, so you can get your horses back to their normal activity levels faster. These tips will help you recognize and respond to scratches and rain rot to promote rapid healing.

Tick ID and Removal Tips

Posted by Animal Care Team on
Ticks get worse and worse every year, and so does the threat of diseases they spread for horses, dogs and people. Here we give tips on dealing with ticks to help avoid their bites, and what to do after there is a tick bite.

Absorbine Farrier Spotlight - Sydney Kotow

Posted by Animal Care Team on
Being a company focused on horse health, every year Team Absorbine rubs elbows with farriers from around the world at the International Hoof Care Summit in Cincinnati. Now we’d like to share some of that experience with you our Absorbine Farrier Spotlight with farrier Sydney Kotow!

Absorbine Team Spotlight - Audra Mulligan

Posted by Animal Care Team on

You love your horse, and we love that! The Absorbine Spotlight series is where we share an equestrian's connection with horses with the rest of us! This time, we're featuring one of our own - Audra Mulligan. Audra is our Director of Regulatory and Development here at Absorbine. 

Grooming Your Horse Before and During Competition with ShowSheen®

Posted by Animal Care Team on
How do you get your beloved mud-encrusted mount ready for the showring—or the trailhead parking lot? Follow these tips!