Tick ID and Removal Tips
Posted by Animal Care Team onTicks get worse and worse every year, and so does the threat of diseases they spread for horses, dogs and people. Here we give tips on dealing with ticks to help avoid their bites, and what to do after there is a tick bite.
What’s in your first aid kit?
Posted by Animal Care Team onYou can address minor injuries on your own with a well-stocked first aid kit. Having these basic supplies on hand can help you reduce the risk of further injury until the veterinarian can arrive.
Beat back bugs on the trail
Posted by Animal Care Team onThis trail riding season, don’t let biting pests ruin your fun. Here are some tips to keep your trail ride fly-free.
Beat back bugs naturally
Posted by Animal Care Team onWouldn’t it be nice to wave a magic wand and eliminate the entire bug population?While it’s unlikely your wishes for a pest-free horse life will be granted, you can dramatically reduce the population of obnoxious insects on your property with an eco-friendly fly care program that starts with a property management strategy.