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Bute-Less Equine Supplement

Posted by Animal Care Team on
A human friend will confirm it when asked, but detecting discomfort in your horse can be much more difficult. Many times there are subtle signals, like refusing normal commands, vigorous tail swishing, trouble with lead changes, or a grumpy attitude. Learn how Bute-Less Comfort & Recovery Supplement for horses can help a horse in discomfort. 

ShowSheen Grooming Tips (Infographic)

Posted by Animal Care Team on
Here is a visual guide to what our ShowSheen Grooming Line can do for you and your horse! Grooming tips and special uses for ShowSheen. Ride On!

Winter grooming made easy with Miracle Groom

Posted by Animal Care Team on

As we move through February and, hopefully, the last full month of winter weather, you may be feeling as impatient for spring as we are. When I walk out to the pasture, it seems pretty...

What Exactly Is Thrush & How Do You Treat It?

Posted by Animal Care Team on
What is that awful smell? Equine thrush infection is a condition many of us horse owners battle. It is described as an infection localized in the soft triangular-shaped “frog” of the hoof, especially the grooves on the sides and middle of the frog called the sulci. Read on for loads of info on equine thrush on the Absorbine Blog!

Treat Your Horse's Sore Hooves With Magic Cushion

Posted by Animal Care Team on
Magic Cushion when to use and detailed application tips. Horses can sometimes develop sore hooves. Additionally, hoof concussion caused by activities such as jumping or repeated impact on hard surfaces can cause soreness and bruising in the hoof or for just after shoes are removed. Treat sore hooves and bruising with hoof packing on the sole of the hoof. Hooflex® Magic Cushion® hoof packing is the solution for overworked hooves.