What Exactly Is Thrush & How Do You Treat It?
Posted by Animal Care Team onWhat is that awful smell? Equine thrush infection is a condition many of us horse owners battle. It is described as an infection localized in the soft triangular-shaped “frog” of the hoof, especially the grooves on the sides and middle of the frog called the sulci. Read on for loads of info on equine thrush on the Absorbine Blog!
Absorbine Interviews Tucker S Johnson Team
Posted by Animal Care Team onAbsorbine® interviewed Melissa Warner recently. Melissa is part of the Tucker S Johnson driving team and manages his horses. In 2011 at the F.E.I. World Equestrian Games, Tucker’s team won a bronze medal individually and helped Team USA win a silver team medal.
Treat Your Horse's Sore Hooves With Magic Cushion
Posted by Animal Care Team onMagic Cushion when to use and detailed application tips. Horses can sometimes develop sore hooves. Additionally, hoof concussion caused by activities such as jumping or repeated impact on hard surfaces can cause soreness and bruising in the hoof or for just after shoes are removed. Treat sore hooves and bruising with hoof packing on the sole of the hoof. Hooflex® Magic Cushion® hoof packing is the solution for overworked hooves.
Fun UltraShield Displays
Posted by Animal Care Team onHere’s big thanks from all of the employees at Absorbine for making UltraShield® look so good!! Below are the pictures of fun UltraShield displays where you made shopping for fly control a little different this year.
Sun Protection From Santa Fe
Posted by Animal Care Team onFaded, “bleached-out” coats, manes and tails are a perpetual problem for horse owners. There are many ways to combat the damaging effects of the sun’s rays on horses’ skins and coats, ranging from physical barriers such as UV-protectant fly sheets, to turning horses out at night instead of during the day. As with many other horse care topics, Absorbine® suggests a comprehensive sun protection plan.