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The Impact of Arena Footing on Hooves and Maintaining Proper Moisture Balance

Posted by Animal Care Team on
While modern footing is wonderful for optimizing horses’ peak performance and comfort, there are some watch-outs for arena footing when it comes to hoof care. Some common substances found in arena footing, such as magnesium chloride and calcium chloride, can potentially dry out the horse's hooves. Read on to learn more about dust suppression, possible effects on hoof health and how to avoid overly dry hooves.

Which Hooflex Is Right For You?

Posted by Animal Care Team on
Your farrier will tell you the main factors that contribute to healthy hooves – nutrition, regular care including proper trimming and balancing, footing/environment, genetics and regular TLC. Hooflex® can help you along the way, here's how to choose the right one on the Absorbine Blog.

Absorbine Team Member Spotlight: Eileen Shaw

Posted by Animal Care Team on
Eileen Shaw has a sticker on her laptop that says "Heart, Horses, Hustle" and if there were three words we'd pick to describe her, those might just be them. Eileen is a lifelong equestrian and an integral part of Team Absorbine. We asked her a few of our "get to know ya" questions for this Absorbine Spotlight and as usual, she delivered! 

Pain Management For The Long Term

Posted by Animal Care Team on

All athletes, human and equine, feel the effects of intense exercise on their bodies. So what can you do to keep them feeling their best? You need to look at pain management for the long term. Absorbine Blog

What You Should Know About Vesicular Stomatitis

Posted by Animal Care Team on

On May 17, 2023, a confirmed case of Vesicular Stomatitis (VSV) was reported by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The case originated from one equine premise in San Diego County, California, affecting one 11-year-old Quarter Horse mare.Â